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Cadillac: 1991 cady devile air contioning, orifice tube, devile

QUESTION: Recently had compressor replaced.....worked o.k. for couple of days.....took back to mechanic.....he checked for leaks, and pressures, all OK, says it could be electrical. but I think the problem might be in resetting the system after removal of old compressor, can you help me reset the system back to normal, since everything else appears to be ok. thks for your time

ANSWER: What is the problem that you are experiencing ?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: keeps saying freon low and compressor is not on......but all is ok thks

All is NOT OK if the freon is low and the compressor is OFF.

What usually happens is that when a new compressor is installed , Small particles of aluminum from the old compressor get stuck in the orifice tube and the tube needs to be cleaned and or replaced because they usually do NOT flush out the system before installing a new compressor.

Let's check the computer for fault CODES via:

1. Ignition ON, Engine OFF.

2. Simultaneously push and hold the OFF and WARMER buttons on your climate control panel for 3 seconds and release them.

3. On your fuel data display Codes in the form of letters and numbers will appaer along with the word CURRENT (C) or HISTORY (H) as each letter number combination displays. the display will stop when you see .7.0

4. Tell me EXACTLY what appears on the display as if you were video taping it.

5. Turn OFF ignition.