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Cadillac: 93 Deville 60 special, throttle cables, cadillac deville

QUESTION: I recently bought a 1993 Cadillac Deville 60 Special - 4.9 L TBI. 175000 miles. It generally runs well but there are a couple of strange and mysterious items I am researching. I have spent hours on your terrific web site and have learned a lot but the following questions remain. (I am waiting to get my hands on a lift to further investigate items 3, 6, 8

1.   What is the difference between E codes and EE codes? Are they comparable to current and history on later models?
2.   I have accessed the codes and cleared them, drove around and re-accessed. I get E, E22, E65, E70, EE, EE65, EE70, 7.0 . Randomly hitting buttons, I also made some P codes appear one time, which now I can not repeat. I do remember that each time I hit the HI button while in "P" mode, the display would show Pxx and after another HI button it would show what appears to be data, then Pxx+1. What do these P codes relate to?  How do I access them again?
3.   As soon as I get going about 5 MPH, The ABS and TRACTION OFF lights come on and stay on. How can I access ABS codes on this Year/Model? 2 ABS Maxi fuses on firewall are OK. Are any of the relays mounted below Maxi fuses related to ABS/Traction? Which one(s)?
4.   When I shut the ignition off, whether the car has been running or not, the gas pedal jumps for about 5 seconds. (It also jumps at speed when I remove foot from gas - coasting). I traced source of jumping to ICM. On key shut off, motor continues to run, then makes throttle jump, then shuts off. Next time I turn ignition on, I get more jumping for about 3 seconds. (Note: seems like slightly less jumping with air filter removed. Am on my way to get a new one, though old one not real bad.) Throttle cables seem OK. One cable (open throttle) has a bit of slack. Should other cable have slack?  Base idle speed seems OK - not too fast, doesn’t stall. I inspected throttle plates which seem pretty clean, especially around circumference, and have a small amount of carbon build up on bottom of 1 plate in center about size of baby finger nail. I have not removed it yet. Do you have any tips for keeping the removed carbon from dropping in to throttle body? ShopVac? Rag in throttle body? Where is throttle cable adjustment.?
5.   Drivers seat recline (button on side of seat) doesn’t work. Motor responds to button up and down, but seat doesn’t move. Looking under seat, it appears motor tries to turn cables, they bind or seat is stuck, then nothing. Any ideas?
6.   At idle, I get a rattle under front of car. Previous owner (little old lady) said mechanic told her it was "throttle related. No harm no foul, not worth fixing.". I suspect he was referring to gas pedal jumping. This sound is like metal to sheet metal sound. Any ideas?
7.   Does this year/model have any fuses/relays in trunk or under rear seat or anyplace besides left side under dash and maxi fuse panel under hood on firewall?
8.   Power antenna (Right rear fender) has what appears to be a grease hose leading to it coming from other end. Where is other end? Antenna needs lube, sometimes doesn't retract all the way. What kind?

Thanks for your help, ken

ANSWER: 1. E codes are history codes. EE codes are CURRENT codes.

2. EE65 = Cruise control servo position sensor signal problem. EE70 = Intermittent throttle positioning sensor (TPS). Do NOT go hitting buttons as you can cause a fault in the electronics system. If you do not know how to operate the computer diagnostics thru the climate control panel, PLEASE leave it alone until you know how to use it.

3. The ABS/Traction control is most likely the fault of one of the wheel sensors that got unplugged if you have ever jacked up the car. Check around each wheel for any loose wire connections.

4. This problem is most likely a fault of the THROTTLE POSITION SENSOR (TPS) and or the IDLE SPEED CONTROL MOTOR (ISC).

Clean the carbon with an aerosil cleaner and if some carbon deposits fall down in the engine it will get burned out thru the combustion chamber.

5. Fault is either seat switch and or seaat motor transmission assembly.

6. Would have to hear rattle.

7. There is another relay panel under the dash on the passengers side. NOTHING in the trunk.

8. Antenna requires NO lubrication. Keep antenna mast clean and spray a little silicone spray on it and it should work OK. If not, You will have to replace the antenna.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I cleaned throttle plates (#4 above). Gas pedal jumping is less I think, but idle speed is erratic and too high. ICM plunger is extended and in contact with throttle plat shaft lever when engine is off. Does ECM have to "relearn"? If so, how? Thanks, ken

It is not called an ICM, It is called  an ISC (Idle Speed Control motor.

Did you adjust ANYTHING at ALL to try and fix the idle speed ?. This is VERY important that I know so I can give you the right information.

Your problem , Provided you have not touched or adjusted anything is most likely the ISC motor or an intermittent TPS.

IS or HAS the check engine light ever illuminated on the dash while driving the car ?. If it has, What codes are you getting.

The idle learn is ONLY used when the throttle body has been removed and cleaned, the TPS or ISC has been cadjusted or replaced or the minimum idle speed screw like on the older non-computerized cars has been adjusted.

I can provide you with all the testing PICTURES and directives if you want by e-mailing me at: [email protected]