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Cadillac: cadillac, seville sts, resistance value

my daughter took her car to get tires it would not start so they tried to jump at starter now her 92 Seville sts has message starter disabled wait 3 min but never resets is there a manual over ride or what needs to be done to reset

Make sure that the ignition key is clean  and try again.

The system works as follows: The ignition key has a pellet in the key that has a certain resistance value. When inserted into the ignition switch, This resistance value travels down a wire to the PASS-KEY module that has the EXACT same resistance code stored in the module. If the key resistance does NOT match the module resistance the module will not engage the starter relay in order to engage the starter and also shuts off the fuel pump voltage to the fuel pump also.

Therefore, You must measure the resistance of the key and read the resisatnce value within the module and if they do not match due to a dirty key, faulty wire connection inside the ignition switch  or a faulty module or starter relay the engine will not start.

If you are mechanically inclined I can give you the test procedures and PICTURES to check the system if you e-mail me at: [email protected]

Did you try a different KEY ?.