QuestionQUESTION: Iam having a idle problem. While at a full stop the car will start to act like it is going to die. Pressing on the gas peddle has no effect. I pump the gas or hold it to the floor then it'll 'catch' and go, leaving black smoke behind me. Once I get moving it runs fine until the next stop. Once it happened to my wife while she was accelerating onto the freeway. The car acted like she wasn't giving it gas, and again she pumped the gas and it finally 'caught'. When I'm at a stop and this happens, it runs very rough as though it's going to die. This is an intermittent problem.
History: Because the car wouldn't pass smog, I had to replace the injectors, so they are new. The problem started after that. MAP sensor has been replaced, but didn't solve the problem. Also a new computer was installed but to no avail. Plugs and wires have been replaced. I don't use cheap gas. Hmm what else can I tell you, this is a clean/one owner car (177,000 miles) with Codes: E75, E95, E96. From what I see, 75 is Intermittent Vehicle Speed Sensor Signal, 95 is Engine Stall Detected, and 96 is Torque Converter Overstress. These tell me nothing since I know it's stalling (or trying to) and the speed is intermittent because of the stall. I'm sure the torque converter overstress is due to me having my foot in it trying to get it to GO! Do you have any suggestions??
ANSWER: CLEAR (erase) all the codes from the computer and see which ones return.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Cleared the codes and the following returned: E52 which the computer reset code and E75 which is the Intermittent VSS (VSS = vehicle speed sensor?)code. To me that means the computer doesn't know how fast the car is going? Thank you for your help with this. I am a certified mechanic but not necessarily an expert on Cadillac. My Cadillac mechanic is stumped by this also. I even took the car to a Cadillac dealer ..of course they couldn't 'duplicate the problem' but said I needed new brakes and they were new!! So can't trust them!!!
ANSWER: Do you require any help or do you have a handle on it ?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Tom, Yes I do need help. I can't figure out why the car is doing this, and wondering if you have any suggestions of something I haven't tried already. Here is what I've tried that haven't worked: New plugs, wires and injectors, changed out computer, changed Idle control solenoid (twice, changed MAP sensor. The problem is still there. I cleared codes E75, E95 and E96...after driving the codes that came back are E52 and E75. No check engine light has come on. The problem is still *L* Thanks for any help you can give....
AnswerI can provide you with the PICTURES and diagnostic test procedures for the codes E75 as E 52 just needs to be cleared from the computer.
There is also a RE-LEARN sequence that you need to do so as the computer can re-learn the sensor specifications and reset the idle speed.
In the mean time, Clean the throttle plate and the surrounding areas of the blackish residue using an aerosol spray can of a cleaning agent such as carb cleaner or the like.
E-mail me on the PICTURES and the relearn procedure at:
[email protected] and include ALL of our correspondences.