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Cadillac: 1989 Cadillac Seville, cadillac seville, climate control

The AC recently  lost its freon (which I am assuming because there is no cold air ). Just this morning driving to work the car began making a loud noise and the driver info states  cooling fan default..what does this mean and are all 3 incidents related?  Thanks

All appear to be related.

The FIRST thing you need to do is fix the cooling fan problem.

Perform this procedure:

1. Ignition ON, Engine OFF.

2. Simultaneously push and hold the OFF and WARMER buttons on your climate control panel for 3 seconds and release them.

3. CODES will appaer in the form of a combination of  LETTERS and NUMBERS and will stop at .7.0

4. Tell me EXACTLY what combination of  LETTERS and NUMBERS
that appear as if you were video taping them.

5. turn OFF ignition.