QuestionQUESTION: my trans will slip in and out of gear when i stop but while moving shifts and rides smooth i have a 1992 eldorado with a 4.9 i also have alot of codes such as e 13,30,52,91,98 i 39,52 a11,48 and r26,33,34 what do theese codes mean thank you for your help
ANSWER: The FIRST thing you need to do is CLEAR all the codes from the computer and then see which codes return as CURRENT or HISTORY codes.
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QUESTION: they all are history but what do you think about the transmission could the problem be the pump or something else or should i change the the transmission in all
ANSWER: Clear ALL the codes anyway.
You would need to put a pressure gage on the trans and check the pressures in all the gears to determine if it was trhe pump.
When was the last time you replaced the trans filter and fluid ?.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: i changed it yesterday i just brought the car last week
ANSWER: You would need to put a pressure gage on the trans and check the pressures in all the gears to determine if it was trhe pump.
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ANSWER: Are the codes CURRENT or HISTORY ?.
E098 = Fault in the idle speed control motor and or you have a high idle speed due to someone trying to adjust the idle speed incorrectly due to possible stalling problems.
I039 = Fault in the computer controlled ride system.
QUESTION: Does the speedometer work correctly ALL the time ?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: yes the speedometer works all the time
ANSWER: After each code displays the word CURRENT or HISTORY will display. Are the codes E098 and I039 CURRENT or HISTORY ?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: the codes that are coming up are current
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