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Cadillac: 1973 cadillac a/c, elderado, electrical connector

QUESTION: I have a 1973 elderado with auto temp control.  The fan comes on when the temp know is lowered but the a/c does not engage.  I had someone check the freon and he said I have 60psi which should be plenty.  I am not getting voltage to the compresor.  If I jumper from the battery to the compresser it cools.

ANSWER: See if there is  a 2 wire electrical connector attached to a switch on the side of the accumulator (receiver/drier. If there is, remove the electrical connector from the switch and jumper the 2 wires together and see if the compressor engages.

If it does, Make sure that you hvae enough freon in the system and if you do, replace the switch which is called a LOW PRESSURE SWITCH.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks for the information.  I was looking for a pressure switch in line.  I have looked at what I think is the receiver/drier (black box on the firewall) there is one two wire connector near the bottom and a three wire and two wire near the top.  I tried both of them without any change.  on the right side of the box there is also two relays.  I was thinking this switch should be in the pressure line.  could it be under the dash?

See if there is a small 3 wire black small square box about an inch square near the receiver drier and replace it. If you want, E-mail me pictures of the area around the receiver drier so that I can recall the system. E-mail to me at: [email protected]