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Cadillac: trouble, torque converter clutch, message validation

QUESTION: 1996 Cadillac Sedan Deville:
When i start her up in the morning i hear a knocking sound. this happens at startup. after driving for about 30 minutes the knocking starts up again. I drive down the road listening but the knock seems to be gone during driving, even at high acceleration. Quiet starting 90% of the time, i don't understand it. Sometimes when i start it up the car kicks back like if it was stuck in gear. just a slight kick. this happens a few times a week. The instrument panel displays "SERVICE TRANSMISSION", "EMISSIONS" | I have these codes:
("PC1406", "PC1520", "PC0603", "PC0741", "RF2560")
Otherwise car is great. no smoke no funny noises beside knock sound, which is only sometimes.
what does this mean. Please help

ANSWER: I would need to hear this knock sound.

As to the codes, CLEAR all the codes from the computer and see which ones return as CURRENT or HISTORY .

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: All codes are current

PC1406, PC1520, PC0603, PC0741, RF2560

Thank you.

You MUST, CLEAR (erase) ALL the codes FIRST and then re-enter diagnostics to see if any codes returned as CURRENT or HISTORY ?. If you did NOT, Do so and let me know.

PC1406 = Linear EGR pintle out of position.

PC1520 = PRNDL switch problem.

PC0603 = Battery was disconnected in the recent past.

PC0741 = Torque converter clutch in transmission not engaging.

RF2560 = RFA message validation error. Remote control fault.