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Cadillac: 1997 eldorado, electrical fuse, test light

QUESTION: my heater and AC blower wont blow,also my gas hand registers full when it is actually empty. would this have something to do with my electrical fuse or relays? any reply would be appreciated

ANSWER: Check your fuses with a volt meter. Do NOT use a test light as you can get the test light to light even if the fuse is blown due to a backfeed from another circuit.

Using a volt meter will measure the EXACT SAME voltage on both sides of the fuse if the fuse is GOOD.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: would you know where the fuse for the blower would be located on my 1997 eldorado i looked in the engine compartment nothing unless abbreviated

You can check the RED wire at the blower motor and if you have battery voltage all the time the fuse is GOOD.

I would have to e-mail you an electricalmschematic of the fuse/relay center so you can identify the blower fuse.

Email me at: [email protected]