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Cadillac: 97 eldorado etc, c programmer, loose ground

QUESTION: my heater/ac shows that it is on when i press functions, but it will not blow, and some times it will just start blowing at diff times. how can i fix this?

ANSWER: Do you have ANY display messages and or CODES from the computers or has the CHECK ENGINE light been ON ?.

Check the computer for codes.

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QUESTION: there is no displays, but there is one code.
P0603 PCM keep alive memory error/reset.  But i do not know what this means or if it has anything to do with the blower
ANSWER: P0603 only means that the battery was disconnected and power was lost to the PCM computer.

CLEAR the code from the computer as it has no bearing on the blower motor.

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QUESTION: so since there are no codes what would be your best guess as to why the blower is not responding to the heater/ac but will just pop on every once and a while

It is either a lose of battery voltage at the blower motor RED wire or a loose ground of the BLACK wire at the blower motor or a faulty blower motor or A/C programmer fault (ACM).

Intermittents are very hard to diagnose . next time the blower stops try hitting it with something and see if it starts to run, If it does, replace it. If NOT, Replace the ACM or give it a hit and see if the blower runs. If it does, Replace the ACM.