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Cadillac: Cad Deville blower motor, fuse panel, intermittent fault

95 Cad blower motor runs intermitently then quits altogether. Last year they replaced the dash panel and everything worked well. Did it again a few months later and when I wiggled the fuse in the trunk it started working again. Started again 2 days ago and quit and then yesterday the wife went to the store and it worked fine on the way home it quit. Whats up?

What fuse in the trunk. There is no blower motor fuse in the trunk.

Next time this happens, Check for battery voltage at the RED wire going to the blower motor and let me know if you have any voltage or not. Voltage to this wire is provided by the left hand side fuse panel in the engine compartment labled MAXI FUSE 40 amp.

Possible faults are:

Instrument panel intermittent failure.

Heater and ac programmer intermittent fault.

Blower motor intermittent fault.

Electrical wiring between all of the above.