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Cadillac: 1992 Cadillac Coupe Deville, cadillac coupe deville, 1992 cadillac coupe deville

QUESTION: Sometimes it stalls just whenever and also it hesitates when trying to accelerate and lunges, it also sometimes decides it wants to go forward when you are trying to stop, not real safe.  So my question is what in the world could this be?  I believe i have some codes but i am not sure if they will be of any help. they are: E52,E91,F12,F85,and F80

i hope these help, if not just instruct me on how to delete them and try again so that i can get the codes that will be of some help, thanks!
ANSWER: Did you find your problem ?. I was sick for a few days.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: no still same ole problems

E52 = battery voltage was LOW or not provided to the computer.

E91 = PRNDL (neutral starter safety switch) has a problem.

F12 = Air conditioning low side temp sensor circuit problem.

F85 = no such code.

F80 = no such code.

Perform this test to CLEAR the codes from the computer.

1. Ignition ON. Engine OFF.

2. Simultaneously push and hold the OFF and WARMER buttons on your climate control panel for 3 seconds and release them.

3. When you see .7.0, Simultaneously push and hold the OFF and HI buttons until E.0.0 appears and release them.

4. When you see .7.0, Simultaneously push and hold the OFF and LO buttons until F.0.0 appears and release them.

5. Turn off ignition and wait 15 seconds and re-enter diagnostics and see which codes re-appear and let me know.