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Cadillac: 1985 Codes, radiator fans, e95

I have a 1985 Deville 4.1L and I have problems with my transmission, normally it will shift into 2nd at about 20-23mph, sometimes it will either shift into 2nd or 3rd and possibly skip 2nd at about 36-40mph (unknown RPMs). I also understand that there is a problem with this particular engine about the fuel injection, I think they call an Orbit injector, I was wondering how I can take care of that also. and I too, found out about the internal diagnostic setup on the car, and when I do it, it shows E, E30, F, F41, then 7.0 and if I press the hi button on the A/C control 3.9.5 or maybe E.9.5 one of the two. If you could tell me how to fix or just what it means and where the problems are, I would really appreciate it.  Thanks in advanced. Joe

E30 is an IDLE SPEED CONTROL MOTOR problem. If your idle speed is very high or low then diagnostics needs to be performed. If the idle speed is OK, Disregard this code.

F41 is a COOLING FANS fault with your radiator fans. If they are working, disregard this code.

E95 is just another test procedure that can be done. Is not a code.

70 means that the codes have finished being displayed and is normal.

What you need to do is CLEAR (erase) the codes from the computers and see if they come back.

When you see the .7.0 number, Simultaneously push and hold the OFF and HI buttons until E.0.0 appears and then release the buttons.

Again when you see the .7.0 number, Simultaneously push and hold the OFF and LO buttons until F.0.0 appears and then release the buttons.

This will CLEAR all the codes.