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Cadillac: Multiple error codes after top end rebuild, valve job, error codes

no, after I disconnected the battery the only code I get now is 52........It still won't start and it is dumping way too much gas into the intake....???? Thanks for your help, I am going to disconnect both injectors to clear it out and reconnect just one to see if I can make it run again...I am now getting a popping noise coming through the throttle body??
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How do I clear the codes?  I tried what I thought was the way to do it and I still get the same codes back.....
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85' Caddy Deville with 4.1(252) gas engine FWD.  I did a valve job and replaced all the gaskets on the top side of the motor, couldn't get it to start partially because I didn't mark the distributor when I took it out, lined it up TDC and got it to fire but I could only make it run(half ass) with one of the fuel injectors disconnected(DFI).  Here the error codes I am getting now:

Where can I find the definition of these codes?
The FIRST thing you want to do is to ERASE all the codes that you got and then re-enter diagnostics and see what codes return and let me know what they are.
are these the codes you got AFTER you cleared the codes from the computer ?.

Did you erase the codes like I told you how to do it ?.

Did you disconnect the battery with the ignition key ON ?.

1. Turn ignition key ON. Engine OFF.

2. Simultaneously push and hold the OFF and WARMER buttons for 3 seconds and release them.

3. the codes will display and stop at .7.0

4. Simultaneously push and hold the OFF and HI buttons until you see E.0.0

5. Simultaneously push and hold the OFF and LO buttons until you see F.0.0

6. Turn OFF the ignition.

7. wait 30 seconds.

8. Repeat steps 1 thru 3 and tell me what codes display EXACTLY as if you were video taping them.

First when the codes appear you will see a single E appear before the code #.

I want the codes that appear after you see EE appear and the codes that appear after you see FF appear.

If you can video tape the whole sequence and e-mail it to me at: [email protected]