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Cadillac: computer codes, throttle position sensor, timing advance

Hi Tom,

   I have a 1988 Cadilac Deville Coupe. I just purchased the car approx 1 month ago. When driving it seems to hesitate when accelerating and when comming to a stop. The car does not shut off but seems very sluggish. Can you tell me what could cause it to run poorly. Also could you tell me how to retrieve codes. Thanks for your help.

Hesitation can be caused by a residue buildup within the throttle body.

An intermittenr Throttle Position sensor.

A timing advance problem.

A fuel pressure problem.

Retrieve codes;

1. Ignition ON. Engine OFF.

2. Simultaneously push and hold the OFF and WARMER buttons for 3 seconds and release them.

3. the codes will display and stop at .7.0.

4. Write down EVERY LETTER AND NUMBER EXACTLY as they appear on the screen before you see the .7.0

5. turn the key OFF.
