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Cadillac: 94 sls trouble, coolant temp, engine coolant

I have a 94 sls with just over 95k. yesterday started acting strange knew it was time to replace batt,so did that. all was well until today. drove for an hour stopped for 2 hours went to start had problems staying started. got on highway lit up like a cockpit.service ride control, stop engine coolant hot, engine overheated,(coolant temp 199-210) traction disabled. finally got her running made it a block from home tranny changing gears really hard. parked ran test 2 times came up with final codes. in order they are po52, to73, so36, so60, so63. thought i saw a small puff of smoke from under dash. can these codes be fixed diy? i tried 2 times to reset and they wont clear

P052 just means that the battery was disconnected.

to73 = NO SUCH CODE. P073 = Engine temp sensor fault.

S036 = Electronic compressor short to ground.

S060 = Left front position sensor fault. Electronic suspension system.

S063 = Right rear position sensor fault. Electronic suspension system.


Your question is going to involve substantial work for me to look up diagnostic procedures for you to perform with pictures of locations of various parts and some diagnostic tests for you to do with your vehicle.

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PLEASE include your original question and the MAKE-MODEL-YEAR and ENGINE SIZE of your vehicle when you contact me.

PLEASE tell me if you do your own repairs and or your skill level of auto repair. This is VERY VERY important if I am to be able to help you repair your own vehicle.
