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Cadillac: blower motor always on, cadillac sedan deville, tracer wire

I couldnt find that all that is to the left is the fuse and relay center i traced the wires coming off the blower and they go to the passenger side under the dash would it be under the dash inside the car or am i am i not looking in the right spot? Is there a pic somewhere to see what your talking about?

Followup To

Question -
there are 2 wires on the blower purple and black. I am looking for the power module according to past posts on this problem i dont know if i have the right part the part that i will replace has a yellow connector and has the purple and a purple with a white tracer wire the part # on it is 16177277 I hope this is the right part to replace.

Followup To

Question -
I have a 1992 cadillac sedan deville. The blower motor runs all the time. What could cause this? I was told the body control module could be bad where is this located?

Answer -
How many wires go to the blower motor and what colors are they ?.

Answer -
Just above the blower motor to the left is the POWER MODULE. It has 4 wires connected to it and when you lift it out of the big plastic housibg you will see a big aluminum finned heat sink attached to it. replace the power module.

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