Cadillac: 1995 Deville, torque converter clutch, engagement problems
QuestionI have a '95 Deville, 4.9L. Trouble codes are: PO13 history, PO20 history, and PO 39 current. The problem is a couple of months ago I drove it to the store and when I went to leave it wouldn't start. It would crank but acted like it either wasn't getting fuel or spark. After trying to get it started for about a half hour, I removed the gas cap and replaced it after which it fired right up and ran normally until today. Today I was at home and went to leave. It did the same thing, except the removal of the gas cap and replacing it didn't make any difference. Any suggestions?
AnswerPO13 = rear oxygen sensor intermittent fault.
PO20 = intermittent Open fuel pump circuit.
Po39 = Torque converter clutch engagement problems.
I can provide you will all the information to diagnose and fix these problems but you need to contact me at:
[email protected]