Speedy Auto > Auto FAQ >  > Cars > Cadillac

Cadillac: 1985 Cadillac Eldorado, cadillac eldorado, seperate issue

We have researched for that part (body control module) and have been told that part was not put on that car until 86. This car is in such great shape and has only 48000 original miles and was garaged until we purchased it recently. Is that the part you are meaning or are you meaning blower control module?

Followup To

Question -
The climate control center and fuel display would work at times and then not work at all.(And also the blower would run without being asked to, so we disconnected it.) We were told to replace the power module and did, also reconnecting the blower at the same time. We are still having the same issues, however, now the blower does not come on at all, and the climate control center still only works at times. What would be the next step? We have also found out that the a/c is flat and are prepared to add refrigerant. Is this something connected or a seperate issue? Where do you suggest we start?

Answer -
Do you ever see A -c or a -d in the displays. If you do or do NOT see them replace the BCM computer.


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In order for me to provide you with pictures and and electrical schematic to find and fix your problem since this board does not allow sending pictures.

PLEASE include your original question(s) and the MAKE-MODEL-YEAR and ENGINE SIZE of your vehicle when you contact me.

PLEASE tell me if you do your own repairs and or your skill level of auto repair. This is VERY VERY important if I am to be able to help you repair your own vehicle.
