Cadillac: DOA Ignition Coils, crank sensor, exhaust pipe
Question1994 cad sts northstar
checked the ignition coils 2 of them showing no sign of spark ? both dead or crank sensor not in time ? no engine power but runs on the other 4 cylinders...thought the converter might be stopped up drilled holes in exhaust pipe just in front of converter ?HELP
Thank You
AnswerLet's check your computers for codes:
1. Ignition ON, engine OFF.
2. Simultaneously push and hold the OFF and WARMER buttons for 3 seconds and release them.
3. FAULT CODES will start to appear.
4. Write them down EXACTLY as they appear.
5. They will stop at PCM?.
6. let me know the codes that appaer.
7. turn ignition OFF.
If you can't write them down fast enough, Just repeat the sequence starting with # 1.