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Cadillac: about transmission on cadillac, cadillac sedan deville, trans fluid

i have a 1993 sedan deville cadillac  the transmission is sliping, so i found one on ebay that comes out of same year model,will it fit in my car since they are same make and year model.

if the ebay trans is out of a 1993 Cadillac sedan deville it will fit.

CAUTION: Ask the seller what size engine he has and make sure yours is the same engine. Also ask how many miles are on it.

Your taking a MAJOR risk buying one on ebay.

1. Cost of the trans.
2. Cost of the shipping.
3. Cost of the trans fluid and new filter that you MUST install in it.

4. you get it all together and fire it up and it don't work, Now what:

1. Cost and time to remove the trans.
2. cost to ship it back.

Personally and professionally I would NOT do it.

Bite the bullet and purchase a local rebuilt trans and if you have a problem you have a warranty to get it fixed.

Choice is yours.