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Cadillac: A/C Problems Codes Found, coolant temp, cadillac sedan deville

1994 Cadillac Sedan Deville The following codes were found:
2. PO73
3 PO98
4. IO32
5. AO11
6. AO12
7. No Sir Codes
8. PCM?

P030  Idle speed control motor out of range.

P073  Intermittent coolant temp sensor.

P098  High RPM shift speed.

I032  loss of auto braking system and traction control data.

A011  A/C high side temp circuit problem.

A012  A/C lo side temp circuit problem.

No SIR CODES = No problems in this system.

PCM   Entry into another portion of the electronics.

Clear all your codes and see which ones come back.