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Cadillac: E52, F41, F48, E.9.5, 7.0 codes, cadillac deville, fan motors

1985 Cadillac Deville 4.1 V8

I have recently replaced the motors on the cooling fans, but the fans do not come on when the motor gets hot.  The subject codes are what is displayed.  I have pressed the fan high button for 30 seconds with no affect to the cooling fan motors.  What do these codes mean?  How do I go about resetting all of these codes?

E52 = Battery was disconnected.

F41 = cooling fans problem

E95 = Not a code.

70 = not a code.

Lets clear the codes and see what comes back.

Re-enter into your diagnostics and As soon as you see the codes appear push and hold the OFF and HI buttons to clear the E codes.

Push the OFF and LO buttons to clear the F codes.

The 70 should display.

Turn off ignition.

See what codes reappear after you start the car.