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Cadillac: 86 Fleetwood Air Conditioning, c programmer, manual tests

I just repaired my blower motor on my 86' Fleetwood.  Now I get cold air to the heater ducts, but not up to the A/C vents on the dash.  I went through the shop manual tests and it showed the ECC good and the A/C programmer bad, but how do I know if the electronic control signals going to the A/C programmer (if any) are ok?.  I just want to make sure because the part is $175!

If you have the manufacturers service manual for this vehicle the diagnostic test procedures will tell you this IF you follow the diagnostics EXACTLY.

If your using a Chiltons or other GENERIC manual you will only be guessing at what the problem is.

Your problem may simply be a vacuum issue and NOT the programmer.

Are you using the manufacturers manual ?.
