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Cadillac: 1994 Cadillac SLS Power Window Problem, cadillac seville sls, 1994 cadillac sls

The power windows on my 1994 Cadillac Seville SLS recently started to malfunction.  They will work fine for a day or two and then suddenly they will not operate at all...as if a fuse has blown.  After the car sits for a few hours, they will begin to work again.  No noise or unsual sounds can be heard and it doesn't appear to be weather related as it happens regardless of the conditions (cold, warm, wet or dry).  Any idea what would cause this or is it just the byproduct of owning an older car?


Since all of the battery voltage for ALL the windows passes thru the drivers window switch panel FIRST before going to the other windows, The most suspect would be a faulty ground wire to the switch a faulty battery supply to the switch or most likely a faulty drivers side switch panel.
