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Cadillac: Air Condition/Heater Vents, electrical schematics, vacuum source

Hi, I have a 1992 Sedan DeVille with a problem I've just noticed.  I cannot get any air to come out of my front air vents any longer, neither heat nor air condition.  The only places the air comes out of when the climate control is engaged is from the defrost vents and the floor vents.  Any ideas what could be causing this?  

In 85% of all cases when this occurs there is a broken vacuum line from the engine that goes thru the firewall and into the A/C HVAC solenoid module.

This plastic tube is colored VIOLET and is located below the glove box under the dash on the passengers side.

With the engine running look for this VOILET plastic line and disconnect it and feel for vacuum at the line. If there is NONE follow it out thru the firewall to where it connects to the engine vacuum source and repair it.

What mechanical work or ANY kind of work has been performed on the vehicle recently ?. As most problems that occur after a recent repair was made can be traced back to the area of where the repair was made as a vacuum line may have been knocked loose or a wire connection came loose, Look around in the area where work was performed.

You can contact me at:

[email protected]

and I can provide you with information for obtaining some electrical schematics, vacuum schematics and component pictures and locations related to your problem, as this website is NOT mine and I am only a VOLUNTEER helping answer BASIC simple questions to those in need, As this website does not allow pictures to be sent.

Please include all of the information, MAKE, YEAR, MODEL, and all necessary other information that you previously provided as well as the information that I just gave you when you contact me.
