Cadillac: fuel system, catalytic converters, correct direction
QuestionI have an 85 Sedan Deville. I recently attempted to change the fuel filter. I noticed the filter was extremely rusted and resulted in me having to just break off the filter and the line; because I couldn't unscrew it. As a result of that I bought a filter that has two male ends instead of male/female. I connected the filter using clamps and hose on both ends. This filters opening isn't as big as the one required for the car. Initially the car started off and on. If I give it too much gas it cut's off while driving. Now it won't even start--it sounds like its not getting fuel. I failed to mention just prior to changing the filter I was revving the engine (pedal to the floor) and it cut off and wouldn't start for a couple of days. What do you think the problem could be. I'd appreciate a solution if possible.
AnswerThe FIRST thing you have to determine IS, Is your problem FUEL or IGNITION to the spark plugs.Once you determine which it is, Then we can proceed to diagnose your problem.
You DID install the filter in the correct direction ?.
The early and mid 80's had a major problem with the catalytic converters melting internally and causing an exhaust restriction.