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Cadillac: Cadillac Cater Brake Light switch, cadillac catera, neutral safety switch

I have a 1998 Cadillac Catera... Recently the brake lights stoped working... I checked the lights.. they seemed to be fine... Fuses looked ok...checked the Hazzard lights.. they were fine also..   I found an earlier post to Allexperts where the expert was 99% sure that a person with the same car and same problems had a Bad BRAKE LIGHT SWITCH.... located under the Brake pedal... the only problem is I cannot find this part on any site i go to... Is it possible it is called something else... Neutral Safety switch?  Thanks for your help in advance...


It is called a BRAKE LIGHT SWITCH. I can look it up for you and get you a part number.

The neutral safety switch is a COMPLETLY DIFFERENT part.

I also need to know if the vehicle has CRUISE CONTROL.

You can contact me at:

[email protected]

If you would like.
