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Cadillac: 1998 Cadillac Seville SLS, 1998 cadillac seville, wheel sensors

Hello Tom and thank you for your service,

I have had this car about six months and recently the dash info reads " service stability system " along with two warning lights on continuously ABS - TRAC CONT. My once rather quick vehicle seems like it has no 1st gear from the stop.  I brought my car to the nearest Caddy dealer, was told the rear shocks were leaking and front brakes needed pads and new rotors.  

 Replaced those and expensive, this changed nothing. Would you please advise. I do not wish to go back to the same dealer and would like to have enough info to make a cost effective decision.  

ABS and TRACTION CONTROL light(s) usually are caused by the WHEEL SENSORS going bad. These are simply a single or dual wire magnet that is attached on a bracket real close to the RIBBED area just behind the wheels on the axle shafts.

As to the trans, Check to see if the fluid is still bright red and does NOT have a burnt smell to it, If it DOES, You will need to have it looked at and physically driven to determine the cause.
