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Cadillac: cadilac starting problem and idle problem, air fuel mixture, e mail address

I have a 1996 sedan deville the problem i am having is when i try to start it i have to kepp cranking it when it starts it idles up and down from 550 rpms to 775-850 rpms up and down i took it and had the check engine ligt code read and it came up oxygen sensor bank 1 sensor 2 i bought a oxygen sensor for after the converter and tried them two then i bought a o2 sensor that is right next to the radiator and still no luck if u have any advice i would appreciate it thxs alot

There are TWO seperate reasons for o2 sensors to raed faulty.

One is a totally dead sensor and the other is that the o2 sensor(s) are seeing to MUCH or to LESS air/fuel mixture passing thru the sensor(s) thus causing the light to illuminate on the dash panel in the vehicle.

The o2 sensors were showing faulty most likely due to the uneven engine rpm's.

Once you diagnose and fix the idle speed problem the o2 sensors will NOT show as being faulty.

PLEASE keep your questions on the ALLEXPERTS BOARD because without it, Us volunteers would NOT be needed.

I do not have a staff of people helping me answer your questions, I do it all by myself, except some typing help from my wife or son as the old fingers just don't flex as well as they used to. Therefore, Due to being retired and an OLD computer, That is so old it does not even have SPELL CHECKER on it and being on a dial-up connection,  Please excuse the TYPO'S.

I do my best to respond to questions within 4 to 5 hours, But  due to the volume of questions I receive on a daily basis I answer them ASAP. If you require a faster response you can e-mail me directly at the below e-mail address as I check it more frequently.:

[email protected]

When you are asked to RATE THIS EXPERT the site it only allows for about 10 (TEN) words. Therefore,  I never get to read your full response. You can e-mail me directly at the above said personal e-mail site. But make sure that you RATE ME before e-mailing me directly if you so desire to do so.

Sometimes when you have to replace a part, I will ask you  if I can have the old part, As my son and I rebuild them and sell them for extra income. I will pay the shipping costs as long as it does not exceed $10.00.

There are also times that you have some written information that you just don't understand or need help with it, You can e-mail it to me at the above siad e-mail address or you can fax it to me, But contact me FIRST at the e-mail address and I will give you my fax #. However, Again due to my OLD computer I have to log off from the dial up service in order to receive any faxes on my seperate fax machine.

I am alway in need of Car, Truck and SUV service manuals as well as MOTORS MANUALS and if you would like to donate any that you have, I will be more than happy to pay REASONABLE shipping to get them. I do not want any Chilton or Hayes manuals as I personally do not like them as the information contained in them is very mis-leading in my opinion.

Retired in New Mexico and teaching my son to learn the trade.
