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Cadillac: Cadillac 4.9 engine, fiero conversions, fiero formula

Carlos, I see you are knowledgable about both Fieros and Cadillacs.  I am planning to install a 91-95 Cadillac 4.9 V-8 into my 88 Fiero Formula with T125 automatic.  I plan to rebuild the transmission with heavier-duty T200 parts to handle the extra torque.

My question is, does this engine deserve the bad reputation I hear?  I want to use it because of the light weight (it`s only about 60 lbs more than the 2.8 V6 it`s replacing) but I do want it to be reliable.  Also, what can be done to boost it`s power from the rated 200 hp?  I can`t seem to find any aftermarket support (not surprising).  Any special things to be concerned about when rebuilding this engine? How do I adapt the Caddy computer into the Fiero wiring harness?

Thanks for your time!

Well, I've heard of people saying that they see 4.9 cadis smoking and stuff like that.  Personally, I have never seen a 4.9 that seemed to have any obvious problems.  The 4.9 is a very close relative of the 4.5 and it has a MONSTROUS amount of torque for it's size but a very low horsepower output.  Mainly the torque comes from the fact it runs roller lifters not rockers, and if it had roller rockers too it would be incredible.  It's fuel mileage is pretty bad and overall they(referrring to both the 4.9 and 4.5) aren't the smoothest engines on the planet.  Past 3000 rpm my 4.5 sounds like it's going to vibrate to pieces, but it still has great power.  

I honestly know nothing about dealing with wiring harness issues, because most of the little I know about Fiero conversions is with the Northstar or the 350 conversion.
Archies 350 V8 conversions are probably the best and the most complete kits if you do it yourself, depending on what kit you order it will come with almost everything you will need.  He tells you exactly how to modify the harness and everything, there is little guesswork.  I'm sure you've seen his site www.v8archie.com.  He's located in Illinois if I am not mistaken.
Or Design One which makes the Turbo kits for the V6 Fiero, located in Oklahoma also performs the Northstar conversion, for about 5000 or 6000 dollars, mostly it depends on how much the Northstar you find costs.  

If I were you I'd probably go with a V8 archie kit because he has a good repuatation and the 350 is by far an easier engine to find and easier to modify than a Cadillac engine.  Not to mention the LT1 has a lot more power.
Or if you don't want to do it yourself, Design one (www.designonesystems.com)can do the conversion for you to Northstar, but it uses the transmission that the Northstar uses since the northstar computer needs to comunicate with both engine and transmission.  Advantage, you'll be revving 2000 rpm at 60 as opposed to 3000 with the TH 125, since the Cadi tranny is a 4 speed.

If you ask me I'd do the 350, probably the easiest thing to do for a do it yourselfer, probably more satisfying too after it's done as compared to a Cadi conversion.
But, it's all up to you.  If you have the 4.9 already it'll just be a bit harder for you to deal with the electronics involved since that isn't a very common conversion.

Hope all goes well.