Questioncarlos, my brother has a cadillac repair shop and has replace several a/c paerts on my 1988 sdv. 4.5. Since I have moved 200 miles away I am very picky who wot=rks on cadilacs. A/c blows warm & the service code is f-12. He told me to clear the code and see what happens. I did it and the a/c blew cold for a few min. in april of this year he has replaced: e-core, freon, orifice tube, a/c retro fittings a/c sensor, egr valve,life liner ste b/w. isc mtr in 1/2000,reajust tps, batt bolts, 2/2000 he replaced fuel pump/strainer. I am interested in what the f12 is and will that make the a/c blow warm. Please I need help and as always family comes last in business. Thank you, Gail Jenkins
AnswerHonestly, I have no idea what that code is, I'd need the service manual for the car.
But I can tell you I had a similar problem where I would clear the codes and it ran for a couple of minutes and sometimes almost a whole day, and then would just stop suddenly.
I changed the High press. sensor, the low pressure sensor, and checked the pressure in the system. Everything was ok, my mechanic after all this junk, determined it was the compressor, we switched it out with a used one and now everything works fine. No code, no nothing.
I noticed in your message you didn't mention changing the compressor, you might give it a try if you have the cash. It worked for me. Even though this sort of a fix makes no logical sense whatsoever since it seems it's more of a computer thing, it did work, so I'm satisfied. I can't explain it, just say it worked for me.
Hope this helps.