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Chevrolet: 1997 cavalier, blown fuse, tight spaces

I just had the alternator R&R'd and now the a/c only blows cold on the driver side while the middle and passenger sides blow outside air.  Is there anything the alternator R&R could have messed up related to this?

    I don't think there is anything that having the alternator work done would have caused your problem. It sounds to me like there is a problem with the actuator that runs the flapper to turn the a/c from recirc. to fresh air, or a problem with the ducting under the dash. If you are getting a/c from one vent and not from the others, I would start by checking under the dash to see if you can see anything unhooked as far as ducting goes, (I know it's tight spaces under there), and make sure all the fuses are good, you might have a blown fuse that controls the actuator.