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Chevrolet: 93 Chevy cavalier, chevy cavalier, dipstick

the car revs up quite a lot before changing gears and sometimes even though it is reved it will not change into the next gear. after a wile (about 45mins or so for example) it will stop even though you hit the gas, it will just stay there. if the car is turned off and then back on after lets say 5-20 min it will go into gear and work ok-ish but still with the problems mentioned above.

    It could be the electronic modulator. The first thing I would check is pull the dipstick and see if the fluid is brownish or smells burnt. If not, I would say the modulator is probably the problem. If it is brown and smells burnt, It is probably an indication of slipping bands and clutches, and unfortunately you will more than likely be in for a rebuild or new tranny.