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Chevrolet: 1996 chevy cavalier transmission, chevy cavalier, switch gears

My car goes forward and in reverse but won't switch gears from second onto third or even in drive.Does this mean I need a transmission? If so do you know where I can get one for a z-24,2.4 liter motor it is a 4 speed automactic? I need one that doesn't cost a arm and leg.

          There are a couple things you should check or have checked before you go after a new tranny. Check the fluid and see what it looks like. If it is brown and smells burned, then that would be a good indicator that the bands are slipping and you would be in need of a rebuild or a new tranny. If it is still bright red and doesn't smell burned then the first thing I would look at is the modulator. It controls the shift points and how far the motor revs before shifting. If it goes bad, it will have the effect of the problem you are having. In your year of car, it should be an electronic modulator and a fairly easy fix. Check these things out and let me know what you come up with, and I'll try to guide you in the right direction. As far as replacing the tranny goes, there are many options from rebuilding the one you have to getting one from a junkyard to buing a new or remanufactured one from a parts store. Check out the fluid and see what it's like and let me know.