QuestionQUESTION: i purchased a replacement keyed ignition. my original had the resistor?? on the key, however the replacement does not though it still has the wire leads which i connected by the ignition switch.i am still getting security on dash. i tried resetting the computer-not working any ideas?? please i am desperate
It sort of depends on what model and make, however, there is one thing you can try. The key sensor has a very limited range, but it might be kind of like when you install a remote start on a newer vehicle. What they do is take a key and put it in an in-line sensor under the steering column plastic. You could try putting the old key up next to the column where the key goes in and see if it will detect the key (like on a Dodge), otherwise you may have to go to the dealer and get a key cut. The dealer can copy your new key with a factory blank and program it to be accepted by the computer. I would try putting the key up by there, then if it works, you can hide it under the plastic somewhere, but if it doesn't work, unfortunately I think your'e stuck buing a key from the dealer... Good luck!
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: thanks very much for your help. the vehicle is a 94' camaro
standard wife lost her keys so no original is avaliable. the leads coming from the part are just two wires maybe i could cross them or just disconect in order to bypass the security sys.? any ideas on how to disable this sysyem(the fuse also controls ignition so i can't pull it) thanks again for your time.
Well, that's kind of a pickle. The VATS "code" is measured by the key, it is measured in ohms as a value between 1 and 15. There are ways to bypass the vats, wether you build your own with relays or buy a bypass plug for around 25 dollars, unfortunately there are 15 different key combinations for your year car. GM started the resistor keys back in the mid 80's - 85 or 86 if I remember right - on the corvette, and it is a good system unless you lose the keys. I personally don't know how to read the VATS value without the key, but a call to your dealer might net some results if you have the year, make, model and VIN to give them they may be able to narrow it down. If you can figure out the VATS "code" then you can buy a bypass plug at and on the left click on interior accessories and then safety to find the bypass plugs. One thing you don't want to do though is cross those wires, and be careful of the yellow or yellow wrapped wires... these are for the airbags and if cut might make it deploy. I'm going to keep digging a little, I know there are ways to clear the VATS code from the ECM, ie: for racing applications and performance mods, but I have never personally had any experience doing it. Keep me updated on your progress on finding the VATS code out from the dealer, and I'll dig a little deeper into how to clear the codes. One other thing you might look into as well is talking to a remote starter installer and ask a few questions about bypassing VATS, as they have to do it in order to install the remote start. Good Luck!