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Chevrolet: 1999 Camaro Coolant leak, coolant leak, cracked block

I have a 1999 Camaro 3.8l V6.  About once a week I have to refill the coolant.  I have a hard time telling where it is leaking from because it really doesn't leave any marks in the driveway or anything. Today I ran it for a long time and it appeared as though there may be some coolant leaking around the flywheel pulley.  I wasnt aware that coolant even flows through that area but that is the only area where it shows any signs of leakage.  I have checked the oil and it doesn't look like there is any contamination from a cracked block or anything. any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi-well the leak could be someplace else and than dripping down that way.. The first thing I would do is ger a radiator presser tester and  pump it up  to a bit more than the cap states. than look for any leaks. if the cap states 18 lbs pump it to 20. and look for leaks, if you find one than you got it. if not than it might be the thermostat or rad. cap. or a rad. upper hose might be sucking closed.  if you find no leaks.I would get a can of  ( BARRS STOP LEAK ) as it stops most small leaks fast.