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Chevrolet: 94 camaro convertible - back window separating from top, toilet plunger, silicone sealer

I recently took my 1994 camaro thru the car wash and noticed that the back window was leaking.  Upon further examination, I see that the glass window is separating from the rag top at the top of the window.  The sides and bottom of the window seem to still be attached, but it doesn't take much effort to separate more of it.  So, the questions.... can I glue this back together?   Should I remove the whole window and glue the whole window or just the part that has separated?  What kind of glue is recommended for this?  The rest of the top is in decent shape, would hate to replace the whole thing.

Hea- well you can do it two ways. you can clean out the leak areas good with some  spray starting fluid. than when it is blown out and clean and dry about 2 min. get some window silicone it comes in colors. or if it gets real bad   you can get some solvent  that will remove the old stuff or use a razor to get all the ols silicone off good. it must be real clean the glass and the top.  than take a clean wrag with alcahol wipe it all off clean where the silicone will go. now  get the sealer and run a 1/4 in bead or more all around the window where it wil meet the top and also add the same to the other side of the top that shall hit the glass- now if you can get a suction cup  or something like it, toilet plunger to hold the glass center the glass than drop in on to the silicone and push it into place with out smuging it all up than let it sit over night it should be fine after 12 hrs or more.a razor will remove any extra yes yes some silicone sealer on a clean window and it should  fix the leaks right up