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Chevrolet: ignition, what a bummer, alaram

i have a 93 camaro z28. i lost my car keys and i went to the dealership to get a new set cut. the key did not work and turns out, the person who sold me the car had switched the ignition in the steering column. i have no paperwork and know nothing about it. how do i go about getting a key cut and acquiring the VAS for the key?

Wow what a bummer-I would start calling some key/lock smith guys and see what they tell you. it sucks but it does happen.as far as the door you might find a slim Jim to open the door than you can replace that key, and as far as the ing. key.well get out the wheel puller and get a new lock and key set.I would un do the pos+ term on the battery when doing this just in case it has a alaram st up.