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Chevrolet: turn signals, turn signal flasher, turn signal switch

QUESTION: my turn signals don't work have changed turn signal switch but still doing the same thing can you tell me where the turn flasher is located at on a 1994 Chevrolet cavalier 2.2L
ANSWER: Usually its a burnt out bulb. Inspect each of your bulbs closely. Each bulb has two filaments. One might be burnt out in one of them.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i have checked the bulbs,fuses and they are okay i was told to check the turn signal flasher and cant find it  

Its sometimes even a loose connection in the bulb to the harness. Especially if it signals one way but not the other. Then its definately not the flasher.

But if you want to know where the flasher is its near the bottom of the steering column. Diagrams below.


In general, the hazard flasher is located under the dash panel on the left side of the steering column. The turn signal flasher is located under the dash panel on the right side of the steering column, depending on model and where they felt like putting it that day.