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Chevrolet: 95 Camaro no heat, heater core, 9 times out of 10

QUESTION: I recently aquired a 95 camaro and the heat doesn't work.  The a/c works just fine. I got a coolant flush that seemed to do no good at all.  When i switch the regulator from defrost to middle to floor it switches fine. When i switch from cold to thot you can hear to door thud. The guage on the dash seems to be working, it heats up to 160 deg. then while sitting it will heat higher then the fans kick on. now I'm stuck i don't want to go change the heater core if that isn't for sure the problem.
ANSWER: Sorry dude, same thing happened to my Camaro. It was the heater core. If you want, you can spend $20 for a new thermostat but 9 times out of 10 its the heater core.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: What do you recomend I do, is their an easy fix? What about a reverse flush of the heater core, someone has mentioned this to me earlier.  Could that help or hurt.

Reverse flushing couldn't hurt. I know a couple of people have disconnected the the heater core and used high pressure to reverse flush it out. But this is a temporary solution because more often than not that Dexcool crap clogs up the core and produces bad scaling.