Chevrolet: Metro, chevrolet metro, turn signals
QuestionI know you said you don't know much about anything after 1975 but I have searched and am having difficulties with this problem with my car. It is a 1999 Chevrolet Metro LSI 2 door hatchback 1.3L automatic. The floor shifter was jammed one day, and someone forced it into place, the car jerked, and the engine service light came on. My car was forced into 3rd gear, and will not shift into overdrive. I have to drive it in Low gear to a certain speed limit, move it up to 2nd, then to Drive, to accelerate quickly. In addition, the turn signals and bright lights are connected into the same circuit. I have a fuse near my feet that is a mini 15 am fuse, that keeps blowing, and according to the specifications it is the right size. I have gone though a pack of fuses, and even tried a 20 am and no luck.
HI well thats not good, it seems like the sensor,or shiftor elect.switch is gone or burnt out, it might not be serious now but it will soon blow than it will cost a few bucks to be reppaired. I would have a odbII meter hooked up to it to see whet codes pop up on ouy, than you will know what you will have to fix. sooner or later it will blow out on you and gost a few bucks. ok