QuestionQUESTION: Hi Roger,
Since 2 days ago my Chevy Venture 97 has a problem, the gauge of gasoline pointer fall down to the right and never go back as an illustration, it looks like showing 4.00 o'clock. It happend after my wife fill the tank full of gas. I drove about 2 days, it should be down maybe half the tank.
I just quest the problem is the pointer. Do you know what wrong? Would you give some direction how to fix it by self?
Thank you.
HI- Well it could be that by filling it to the top it could have made it come off of the needle. or it could be the sending unit in the tank itself. I would check the gas tank fuse. see if it is blown. , if not the labor for the tank to come out or the needel and gauge to be taken out from in back of the dash, this will not be cheep. I hope that it is just a blown fuse. and there is a possability that the computor could be off also. I would have it put on a OBDII meter to see if any thing pops up. ok
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
Thank you for your email. I already check the fuse and the out the meter form the dash, it seems every thing is good.
I have a couple of question:
1.Where can I buy or rent OSDII meter?
2.Is it possible to take out tank gas and do it by self?
I think the last problem has in the gas tank.
Would you help me to give some direction please.
Thank you.
Hi If you go to (j c whitney .com) they have a asst. of
OBDII meters at good prices under 80.00 , and they can be used on most all new cars. as far as the tank- yes it can be done in a drive way,etc. prior to removing the tank get a can of liquid wrench and spray up all the bolts on the straps and have the tank almost empty. and spray up the sending unit also. use a brass punch so you do not make any sparks. ok if you look in the library in the tech books it will show you some photos of it and step by step info. to do the job.