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Chevrolet: 2002 chevy cavalier knocking in engine, 2002 chevy cavalier, chevy cavalier

I have a vchevy cavalier 2002 that has a load ticking sound it sounds like the valves but how do i fix this and i have noticed that other cars have like mine i have heard a ticking sound is this a flaw or normal operaton that needs fixing     Thank You.  Terry  

HI well as far as the valves- I would say yours are hydraulic so the way to do it is you will have to get a set of new valve covers than remove one cover at a time with the engine at a warm temp. now you will need a wrench and socket to fit the nut on top of the rocker. - now with the one side off and rachet in your hand you will take the first valve and slowly loosen it till it clacks. do it slow now when it clacks stop and slowly turn the nut in slowly till it just stops clacking than from there turn it in 1/2 a turn to 3/4 of a turn more no more than that.when you are doing it the engine might stall so do it slowly thats normal,but do not go any more than 3/4 of a turn in. so do this to each one than replace the cover with the new gasket  and than do the next side the same way. when you are done you might wish to get a can of spray gunk to clean off the oil that sprayed on the engine while doing the valves. do not get the distributor wet as it will stop the motor. so rinse off the qunk slowly and carefully. after that  change the oil and filter and add a can of STP to the new oil.  than it should be fine. ok