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Chevrolet: Ignition timing specs, 1975 chevy nova, chevy nova

Would like to know the original timing specifications for a 1975 Chevy Nova 350.  the installation instructions for the new cam says "align the timing mark on the balancer/dampener to the recommended factory initial timing setting".  I don't know what that setting is.  

Mike -I guess you have the dist. out too.  when that goes back in you know it must go in on the no.#1 plug wire on the rotor when the piston is up all the way. well as far as the marks when you put the cam in you must have the little dot or > mark  aligned with  the mark on the crank. than with the harmonic. bal. on    the line on it is the timing mark  and the other are on the cam cover. get back if you need to , you can see a good photo of the tim. marks for the cam in the tech. books.