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Chevrolet: P1870 Chevy Cavalier 2000, p1870 code, chevy cavalier

My check engine light keeps coming on my car.  An OBD II says it is a P1870 code.  On one occassion it has mentioned a manual transmission, but my car is an automatic.  It has also mentioned my transmission is slipping.  I do not feel any jerking when it the car is going into gear.  The transmission fluid is brown, but not burnt in color.  Any clue to what I need to do to fix the problem?

HI; well if you are getting p1870 code that  means that you do have a condition in the auto tranny, as you said the fluid is a brown color- well brown is   N/G  as it should be a nice cherry red in color.  If I were you I would look for one of the local tranny shops in your area that have a special on tranny flushing and or tranny fluid and screen replacement at around a spl. price of $24.95 or $29.95
and if they say that you should have it flushed because it is dirty, than I would have that done also, it is around $99.00 for that, and if you NEVER had it done than you are way past due for it.this will give you a new tranny screen, fluid,and all of the tranny fluid removed , flushed clean than all new fluid put back in. as this could save you thousands in future tranny repair jobs.  ok  P.S. as far as the fuel system- I waited to long for mine to be flushed and I ended up stuck and had to be towed and than I had to get a NEW fuel tank and gas lines, filter and fuel pump all because I did not have it flushed out when it was due. As with all of the new cars,they are computer controled and if the items are ignored when they tell you it is time to do it, well you will end up with a job that will run you close to $1,000.00 but if you did take care of it when it told you to it might have only have been a few hundredt. so when you see the check engine light come on, please have it checked out  OK...>>><<>>>..>>,<<>Merry Christmas