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Chevrolet: 2000 camaro rough idle when warm, temp guage, o2 sensors

Hey how are you? I unplugged the MAF sensor and now the car is fine but when I plug it back in its the same problam. I have one more question( hopefully) lol When I first turn the car on the motor or something makes a knocking noise but when I turn the heat or air on it goes away. Any suggestions? I am going to replace all the O2 sensors because they problay havent been changed and what about the MAF sensor should I change that too? I can't think of any other thngs other than that wierd knocking sound. When I get the car plugged into the computer only a code for multiple misfire comes up but nothing about sensors. Thank you for your time and I hope you could help me with all of this.
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When I start the car in the morning the car is fine but as soon as its warm I could come to a stop sign or light and it starts to chug and the battery meter drops real low and the car almost wants to die. I changed all plugs wires coils and alternator fuel oil and air filters but no such luck. I had the battery checked but thats not it either. I keep getting a code for random misfire and the service engine light is on and when I get on it it blinks and then stays on but If i hold the gas and brake at the same time to increase idle its fine. Please help me
If its happening when the car is warm that means its happening in closed loop when the car is running off the sensors.

Unplug your MAF sensor and drive home when the car is warm. This will put your car in open loop. If you get the exact same symptoms we will know its not a sensor issue.

If it doesn't happen again it means its either the O2 sensors, MAF sensor (dirty), or ccolant temp guage.

For multiple misfire it could be bad spark plugs or bad coils.

Change the spark plugs (NGK TR55) and get new O2 sensors.

Remove the MAF sensor and check to see if its dirty. If it is dirty, there is a special spray you can get from your local automotive place to clean it. DO NOT USE WD40 OR ANYTHING ELSE TO CLEAN IT.

Keep me posted.