QuestionYa' ever see the movie "Christine"?....My car is alive, then it dies again, and so on. My battery went dead , it was the first 32 degree day, called AAA ,no biggie. Then it happened again, blamed kids leavin' the light on , or glove compartment open, etc., Then, relized that there is some...blinker that won't turn off. There is a red light on steering column, like owner before had alarm system (didn't think so, but who knows), when I shut car down, it continues to blink then like some 4 ways blink, one time horn went off, my son has checked fuses, even left some out, still "came alive", untill of course battery dies, and so on. Should I check into plots, or get a "stake" Help me Roger. I really can't afford much, have thought of getting a portable battery charger, to use constantly, but thats just psychotic.
HI well if it had a alaram system in it and there might be a wire that is keeping something on at all times thats why the battery is going dead, you will have to check out all of the wires from the alaram, I would look for the wire that goes to the red light and see if you can remove the fuse for it than see if it gets beter ok