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Chevrolet: 2001 Cavalier Overheating Problem, coolant level, pressure test

My car overheated yesterday, I checked the coolant level and it seemed low, I didn't have any so I added water to get myself home. Driving back home it was ok for about 5 minutes and started climbing again, I got close to home but had to stop. I checked the fluid level again and now it was completely empty. Obviously there is a leak somewhere, can you give me the best locations to check on the car for the possible leak? By any chance you have a diagram of the cooling system, I would like to find the leak before I get it to a mechanic. Thanks!

hi as far as a pic. I do not have one but you can get a idea at the library or a book store. I would fill it with some warm water and than start it up and look to see if you can find it comming out, it could be a hose, or the rad,  or worse but its a 2001 so it might be just a hose or it could be the water pump, the only way to tell is to see where it leaks from. ok or a pressure test is the best way. it will show where the leak is at.