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Chevrolet: low oil pressure and random ticking lifter, hydraulic valve lifters, z28 camaro

well if i have to do it then im definatly gonna do it myself(minus machine work)not only for monetary reasons but for the learning experiance.

do you have and suggestions for a rebuild kit that is a lil better then stock but still within the 600-700 dollar range? also what kind of performance cam would be best for normal driving? is it a phase one or two?

im not looking for alot of HP but a lil over stock would be nice.

also, any referances to cheap performance clutch kits? mine is pretty much shot.

sorry for so many questions but it would really help me out if i could get some info.


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if it is the bearing what kind of price range is that in to fix. or would that just be the time to do a complete overhaul?

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i own a 96 z28 camaro with about 149,000 miles on it. i have owned it about 6months and since i got it it has had low oil pressure. a little while ago my engine has developed a tick that is consistant with the engine speed. i have been told that it could be the hydraulic valve lifters sticking due to lack of oil flow to them. any suggestions for fixing the low oil pressure or the tick in my engine. also the tick get REALLY bad if i drive for about 30 mins on the freeway but then stops when i get into town, and sometimes is non-existant when i start the car.

hopefully this is enough information.

Honestly sounds like a spun bearing.

Hook up a manual oil psi guage to verify that the guage on the dash is correct. Sometimes when oil psi guages go bad they read low.

If it is correct and you hear a ticking, I would guess spun bearing. Thats what my LT1 did when the bearing spun.
Bearing basically means new motor or rebuild etc.

Where are you located? Maybe I can direct you to someone cheap to fix it.

Do a search for Sallee Chevrolet on google. Might be listed under Gilbert Auto parts. Click on parts. They are cheapest for parts. I wouldn't recommend rebuilding an LT1 yourself if you've never done one before. They are a little more temperamental than others as far as bearing clearances go.

My email: DesiZ28 @ hotmail